
Services Every Homeschooling Parent Should Use

As a homeschooling parent, you will notice there are several options available to you depending on your state. Even though each state is different regarding curriculum and how that curriculum can be taught, there are still some basic guidelines that you should follow. Several of the guidelines can be met with the use of homeschooling services. These are a few of those services and why every homeschooling parent should use them. Read More 

Empathy Learning: SEL Lessons

A key part of social and emotional learning (SEL) is teaching children about empathy. Empathy is important when you're building relationships because it helps you to form connections and understand what other people are feeling. If you're looking for ways to introduce the concept of empathy to children, there are some things that you can do. Here's a look at some of the tips that can help you with empathy education. Read More 

3 Ways Teachers Can Improve The Distance Learning Process

More students are engaged in distance learning than ever before. Having the opportunity to attend class from home can be beneficial in reducing the number of classes a child misses, but it can create a unique challenge for teachers hoping to connect with their students. The lack of face-to-face interaction can make establishing a relationship with students difficult. Here are three simple things that you can do to help you better support and engage with your distance learning students in the future. Read More 

Why Study Abroad Programs Are Good For Your High Schooler

If you have a child in high school, you may find yourself constantly trying to figure out what is right or best for them when it comes to their education and learning. One of the options your child may be asking you to consider is for them to participate in a study abroad program. Study abroad programs have numerous benefits for students who get the opportunity to participate in them. Get to know more about some of these benefits and how study abroad programs can be good for your high schooler. Read More 

Things That Can Help Your Child’s Catholic High School Application

If you've had your child in public school but want them to be in Catholic high school, the application process will be important. Different school districts have their own application requirements for children who wish to enroll. For example, it's common for students to need to have been baptized and have documentation to prove it. Given that there are a limited number of spaces available in your local school district, you need your child to do all that they can to have a successful application. Read More